Fortune International Transport Wide Machinery from Genoa

Fortune International Transport Wide Machinery from Genoa

11th December 2024

Fortune International Transport Wide Machinery from Genoa

Fortune International are glad to share their recent shipment involving large machinery at Genoa.

This delivery featured extreme dimensions, especially its width, which measured 4.87 metres across a weight of 110 tons.

Fortune International ran into their first obstacle at the entrance of the factory - the width of the door was only 4.85 metres.

Dismantling the machinery or the the door itself were not feasible solutions, and so after a survey, Fortune discovered a back door allowing the 4.87 metre-wide cargo to enter.

However, the road to this back door was incredibly narrow and the specialised truck was unable to turn due to its length.

To solve these issues, Fortune organised the trucking to be conducted with a heavy carrier/low loader up to the closest area to the final destination (around 200 metres away).

The company then transshipped the machinery onto a much smaller truck, which allowed them to enter the narrow road and complete the transport through the bigger back door.